Direction is an upcoming and popular career option, but to get into film direction one not only needs a passion for filmmaking but also the skill for it.
Directors are responsible for overseeing creative aspects of a film.They develop the vision for a film and carry out the vision, deciding how the film should look, in other words they make their vision come to life. They are responsible for turning the script into a sequence of shots.Directors are responsible for deciding camera angles, lens effects and lighting with the help of the cinematographer, and set design with the production designer. They will often take part in hiring key crew members. They coordinate the actors' moves, or blocking.
You are taught the fundamentals of directing, from looking at the script to pre-production, production and editing. You are encouraged to take on the role of a storyteller and team leader. You are set a number of individual projects (visual narratives) that are analysed in the class. You work with actors to understand staging, text analysis and casting. During the pre-production of your graduation films you have one-to-one feedback and advice from an acclaimed industry director.
Direction Courses:Duration of the course Three months -One year
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Students Own the 1st Runner Up in the Water is the matter a Documentary Film Festival Held at Mumbai by BASF.